The new Energy Revolution: Energy and censorship

In a time of economic crisis like the current one, where oil prices are starting to be prohibitive for many pockets, it is necessary to remove energy, efficient, environmentally friendly and economic systems from the closet.
Many of these discoveries that would drastically change our world were hijacked by the big industries, especially those of oil, under threat of death to the inventors of these new energies or simply through blackmail.
The Spanish inventor Santi Trias Bonet, has invented a device based on the suction force that is generated by water. The project is called STBSYSTEMS.
With this system based on water pressure, 100% clean energy is generated. This force, equivalent to one kilogram for every 10 meters of height of the column, can generate a suction force capable of moving an electric generator, submerged under the sea water or inside a well is capable, thanks to the difference in pressure , to generate electricity.
Yesterday through the page starviewerteam we met another system of power generation, another Spanish called Antonio Romero, the system is called OMEGA RF-5000 Electromagnetic Generator and is able to operate autonomously and self-feed itself, generating energy 100 % clean
This electromagnetic generator could work continuously for more than 50 years, being able to maintain and repair like any other machine and extend its useful life indefinitely.
Energy systems censored.
– Great Hudlow. Method of conversion and waste into energy.
-Al Worsworth. Electric generator and advanced carburetor.
– Ken Rasmussen. Process to convert water into energy by electrolysis.
-Mike Brady. Electromagnetic auto generator at 300kw.
-Robert Bass. Transmutation of nuclear energy at low frequency.
-Robert Stewart. Cyclic heat electromagnetism generator.
– Ron Brandt: MPG carburetor.
– Welton Myers. Efficient carburetor Myers.
-Dennis Lee. Freon generator
-Henry T Moray. Free energy generator through cold semiconductor cathode.
-Floyd Sweet. Trio amplifier in vacuum.
-Edwin V.Gray. EVGRAY free energy generator and free energy motor.
-Josepc C.Yater. Heat converter in electricity.
-Bruce DE Palma. N Machine of free energy.
-Bill Jenkins. Free energy machine.
-Richard Diggs. Liquid electricity motor.
-Tim Tharpp. Energy generator.
– Bob Lantz. Lantz water energy system.
The list goes on and on, most of the scientists in these systems were threatened with death.
Undoubtedly, above all these scientists stands out the figure of Tesla who invented a system based on the transmission of energy over long distances without the need for wiring.
Tesla managed to transmit electromagnetic energy without cables, building the first radio transmitter, two years after Guglielmo Marconi achieved its first radio transmission.
Nikola Tesla devised a wireless electricity transmission system, so that the energy could be carried from one place to another by waves. This system was based on the ability of the ionosphere to conduct electricity, the power was transmitted at a frequency of 6 Hz with a huge tower called Wardenclyffe Tower, to use the Schumann resonance as a means of transport.
In his wireless power transmission experiments, he was able to light a string of 200 50-watt incandescent lamps at 26 miles! (almost 42 kilometers) away from their station, although Tesla himself wrote that he had observed that the signals could be transmitted up to a distance of 600 miles (960 km).
But the sending of electricity for free, did not enter the plans of large magnates like JP Morgan who controlled the copper industry and saw in electricity a round business where each citizen paid for their consumption and where he obtained succulent benefits with copper .
Some Tesla inventions:
Wireless transfer of electrical energy using electromagnetic waves, alternating current, impulse current and oscillating current, radio, bulb without filament, direct energy weapons, propulsion systems by electromagnetic means, radar technology, electrotherapy devices, Tesla coil, oscillator mechanical vibrational, fluorescent lamp, electric submarine, machine to cause earthquakes, Tesla waves, teslascope, T-rays, transmission of video and images by wireless methods, remote control, methods and tools for climate control, X-rays, electrical tele-dynamics, Electrical radiogonometry .
These inventions of teslas are from the 19th century, imagine the technological potential that we have today and that has been hijacked by the big oil corporations and by the great governments of this planet.
Doctor Michael Wolf
Our scientists have successfully created zero-point energy and cold fusion, but those at the top think that a smooth transition should be made to these new sciences, because otherwise the world economy would be ruined – their economies.
But without a doubt, the list will not end here.
It seems incredible that every time we expose any ingenuity, invention and / or innovative initiative, it is immediately subjected to derision and sometimes threats, if not directly, the ridiculous and systematic action of censorship.
The truth is that the problem is much deeper than it seems. It is revealing that the system sometimes forgets one of the main pillars of progress: Innovation and technological development must be based on the continuous advance of thought. All of this unless a deep average age in which we find ourselves imposes limits prior to the Constitutional right of freedom of scientific and technological research.
In this sense, we must remember different schemes that were already consecrated within the framework of the Thematic Group of Innovation and NFOT (New Forms of Labor Organization) in 2003.
In that document, the transferability of good practices was mentioned as a need to guarantee technological innovation and scientific development.
And certainly the question is of special interest in times of recession and intellectual regression like those present.
Then we will address the key issues of an analysis that will surely change the story. We only need to value a forgotten system that we know works: positive external effects and / or positive externalities.
This model shows itself to be efficient only when, from the rejection of egos, efficiency in the dissemination of results is prioritized. That is, the results obtained obey the same pattern SAO / SAS, Service to the Other and Service to Himself. In function of this dilemma, we would have Positive External Economies (SAO) In the service to the Other major returns and a Social benefit are obtained, while in the model (SAS) an exclusive profit is obtained in detriment of negative external effects or a social benefit negative.
Focusing the question on the economic level, it is already possible to develop a model in which all agents obtain an ethical benefit by multiplying the social benefit. In this game of interests all players win and compete collaboratively and not competitive or phagocytizing.
Let’s take the example of the Monopoly game. In this game, the player who keeps all the properties and chips of the board and the other participants wins. The game ends when none of the participants has the economic capacity to pay the winner the price for “falling” on their properties.
The paradox ends just when the supposed “winner” becomes “loser”, because having everything, can no longer earn income from the rest of the players who have run out of “nothing”. At this time the value of the assets of the winner becomes “zero” since no one except him can access them. The external effects of this SAS (Service To Itself) are devastating for the economic system. And such is the current model of scarcity management.
The truth is that the problem is much deeper than it seems. It is revealing that the system sometimes forgets one of the main pillars of progress: Innovation and technological development must be based on the continuous advance of thought. All of this unless a deep average age in which we find ourselves imposes limits prior to the Constitutional right of freedom of scientific and technological research.
In this sense, we must remember different schemes that were already consecrated within the framework of the Thematic Group of Innovation and NFOT (New Forms of Labor Organization) in 2003.
In that document, the transferability of good practices was mentioned as a need to guarantee technological innovation and scientific development.
And certainly the question is of special interest in times of recession and intellectual regression like those present.
Then we will address the key issues of an analysis that will surely change the story. We only need to value a forgotten system that we know works: positive external effects and / or positive externalities.
This model shows itself to be efficient only when, from the rejection of egos, efficiency in the dissemination of results is prioritized. That is, the results obtained obey the same pattern SAO / SAS, Service to the Other and Service to Himself. In function of this dilemma, we would have Positive External Economies (SAO) In the service to the Other major returns and a Social benefit are obtained, while in the model (SAS) an exclusive profit is obtained in detriment of negative external effects or a social benefit negative.
Focusing the question on the economic level, it is already possible to develop a model in which all agents obtain an ethical benefit by multiplying the social benefit. In this game of interests all players win and compete collaboratively and not competitive or phagocytizing.
Let’s take the example of the Monopoly game. In this game, the player who keeps all the properties and chips of the board and the other participants wins. The game ends when none of the participants has the economic capacity to pay the winner the price for “falling” on their properties.
The paradox ends just when the supposed “winner” becomes “loser”, because having everything, can no longer earn income from the rest of the players who have run out of “nothing”. At this time the value of the assets of the winner becomes “zero” since no one except him can access them. The external effects of this SAS (Service To Itself) are devastating for the economic system. And such is the current model of scarcity management.
If we analyze carefully the model of free energies, the question is just the opposite. It implies a model SAO (Service to the Other) justly remunerated with an ethical benefit implies a multiplying effect of the social benefit. In this case it is enough to mention the game that one of our collaborators has developed, Jorge Lomar, (Solidarity) in which all the participants win and reinvest the surplus of the profit in the fulfillment of solidarity missions, which revert again in Wealth and Social Welfare, understood as continuous management of abundance.
It is easy to understand that paradoxically a Patent protects and protects its owner for the exclusive exploitation of his device / invention in a period of time of between 10 years (if it is a Utility Model) and 20 years if it is a Patent. . In both cases, the legal system establishes this protection based on the right to creation and within the framework of the freedom of scientific research consecrated as Fundamental Right in the Constitutions of the Advanced Democratic Countries. And it is logical because legal security must protect the owner of a creation and regulate their right to dispose and / or assign the exploitation of their intellectual or industrial creation.
But the parallel system acts with the mechanism of Inquisition / regulatory censorship. The regulation regulates the activity, resulting in the fact that programmatically it is impossible to homologate devices that violate the principles of thermodynamics. This practice is habitual and frequently implies a censorship when applying the scientific principles as if they were laws approved in Cortes Generales.
The Inventor, the engineer creates his invention and thinks that with the improvement obtained the system will reward him for the innovation made, so that he patents his ingenuity and proceeds to seek financing to develop a prototype that he then presents to large corporations and power groups. . The problem lies not in ingenuity or invention, but in the interests of power groups, who see ingenuity as a threat to the management system of scarcity.
Let us not forget that the application of the principle of exclusion continues to be one of the fundamental pillars of the agonizing model of scarcity management. The crisis we are experiencing is a collapse of the Monopoly system, and the collapse of the management model of scarcity on a false premise that energy resources are scarce.
The new Energy Revolution consists in the discovery by an important critical mass of human beings of two basic foundations:
1º.-That the energy resources are unlimited, they simply have not been exploited until now.
2º.-That the principle of exclusion can not be applied to them but that of qualification, that is, that the greatest added value lies in the greater or lesser quality of that service, but not in the service or need itself.
When all the pieces of the peculiar global Monopoly are in the hands of very few, only then …
Stealth abundance management initiatives will appear, without making a noise, spreading in the rural environment and in the rest of the contexts where they are needed. Perhaps the precedent set by the solar bulb serves as an example of how basic needs are met from the SAO and not from the SAS.
Precisely for that reason the free energies will prevail with the passage of time from the necessity, the stealth and the continuous and constant diffusion in the most disadvantaged tissues of this society.
Isaac Rodríguez Mesa “Energy and censorship” that can be read in full Despierta
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