‘Ageless Body, Timeless Mind’ by D. Chopra
The body inevitably suffers the onset of aging. However, biological age is not always…

The body inevitably suffers the onset of aging. However, biological age is not always consistent with chronological age. Some in a healthy body may look worn-down, while others who have lived many years maintain the vigor and freshness of youth.
This result depends on several factors: a toxic environment, adverse emotional situations, unresolved inner issues, resentments, etc. Freedom from all these toxins promotes a better quality of life.
Physical exercise, proper food, nutritional supplements and antioxidants help slow the aging process. But of all the possibilities, love is the unparalleled medicine.
A complete guide in classic Chopra style that will teach how meditation, which is the spiritual pauseof critical moments, is a successful recipe when rethinkingwhat quality of life we desire.
- Title: “Ageless Body, Timeless Mind: The Quantum Alternative to Growing Old
- Author: Deepak Chopra
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