Akhenaten and the Jewish connection
The pharaoh Akhenaten is a singular figure who is part of two stories..

The pharaoh Akhenaten is a singular figure who is part of two stories: that of humanity, and sacred history, as their links with passages from the Old Testament in the Bible, could be more than coincidence.
In fact, the name of Akhenaten joins Moses leader who led the Jewish people to the Promised Land; being that both are religious reformers, who introduced monotheism in a world that worshiped many gods.
In one of the ancient writings we read that “It is said that the priest who drafted its constitution and its laws (Akhenaten) was born in Heliopolis and was called Osarsef because of Osiris God and worshiped at Heliopolis, but when he joined these people changed his name and was called Moses. ”
A very significant fact confirms this assumption of closeness between the Egyptian and Jewish; Acts of the Apostles, where the origin of Moses (Acts 7:21) is related, says: “And to be abandoned, the daughter of Pharaoh picked him up and brought him up as her own son.”
But even more interesting is the paragraph in Acts 7:22, where we read: “And Moses was initiated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and he was mighty in words and deeds”, a feature of power that was recognized in Egypt the priests and the Pharaoh himself.
That Jewish connection ends becoming more eloquent, when the same holy book, that “By turning forty, felt a strong desire to visit his brothers, the Israelites (Hc, 7, 23).
So one must ask: Was Moses the creator of a new religion, or only one follower? While there is no document that can prove the possible relationship between Akhenaten and Moses, however, by way of hypothesis could be established that it existed or remained in the memory of the people that religion of the Egyptian god Amon.
This presumption would support at the scene of Sinai, when the people wandering Jew and stalled waiting for Moses came down with the Tables of the Law, forcing Aaron, brother of Moses, to make two golden calves, clearly a symbol god Amun.
There is no unity of opinion among the authors. For example, some see similarities between the “Hymn to Aten” Akhenaten and Psalm 104 in the Bible; for others it is not.
Anyway, that mention of Moses would have been initiated by the Egyptian priests in the knowledge of the mysteries, solve the case in favor of that deep, have an esoteric substrate similar for both religions.
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