‘How Goji Berries Heal’ dy Blanca Herp
An interesting description of all the benefits these berries provide

The goji is a reddish berry that is native to Tibet. It has been used as food for centuries but it is also consideredfor its medicinal benefits on overall health. Even though they have always been known by ancient cultures, we are only nowbecoming aware of itshealth benefitsthus allowing for their increasing popularity.
Of all the nutrients the Goji berries contain, the ones that stand out the most are the antioxidants vitamin C and vitamin B2, iron, potassium, zinc, selenium, amino acids, germanium, phosphorus and calcium. They also contain vitamin E, dietary fiber, very small amounts of protein and almost no fat.
An interesting description of all the benefits these berries provide which range from vision improvement to slowing down the aging process.
- Title: “How Goji Berries Heal”
- Author: Blanca Herp
- Publisher: RBA LIBROS
- Pages: 160
- ISBN: 9788415541769
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