‘The Human Planet’ a BBC Documentary
To try to understand the scale of our planetary home with respect to the Cosmos is..

To try to understand the scale of our planetary home with respect to the Cosmos is a very difficult task, many times an impossible one. Yes, we can try to feel it in our hearts, and that will lead us to accept, joyfully and inevitably, our limited external dimension.
But paraphrasing G.I.Gurdjieff, the being in his inner self contains and at the same time represents the solar system, and even the entire Cosmos, which in turn reverses the perception of negligible to incommensurate.
In addition, these images that last a few minutes, and are accompanied by a more than adequate music, give us the possibility to see and reflect upon the complex and gigantic dimension of the external expansion of humanity.
It also helps us to accept our tiny external dimension, albeit not resigning ourselves to it. But also the unlimited interior dimension, which is capable of constructing and containing a microcosmos, in a sort of hologram of the entire system
- Title: “The Human Planet”
- Production: BBC
- Length: 3.32
- Website:
- Link:
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