‘The Quantum Tamers’ by Michio Kaku
This documentary is immersed in the complex and interesting world of quantum physics…

This documentary is immersed in the complex and interesting world of quantum physics. Quantum physics defies “common sense”, but the results of their experiments are indisputable.
Not only does it defy common sense, but it radically changes the way we perceive reality, in a new “Copernican revolution”. Michio Kaku is an American theoretical physicist specializing in the very prominent field of string theory. He is also a science advocate and the author of several best-sellers.
- Title: “The Quantum Tamers – Revealing our weird and wired future”
- Author: Michio Kaku
- Running Time: 58:50
- Language: English
- Section: Documentary
- Group: Investigation
- Category: Science
- Link:
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