‘Heal Your Body through Metaphysics’
The body is Creation’s most extraordinary design that allows us to make the “journey”

The body is Creation’s most extraordinary design that allows us to make the “journey” at this time and in this dimension. The body is a perfect machine that can repair itself and is in constant renovation. However, many problems that are presented are due to unresolved situations in the depths of his “engine”: the spirit.
When these situations occur, the body sends out warning signs. This book is designed to achieve a greater knowledge and understanding of these preventive messages.
This is a true metaphysical dictionary that helps to discover the relationship between the body and the mind with the purpose of interpreting illnesses and treating them in order to heal.
To change your attitude towards yourself and others, and even more so with the Universe, is a factor of considerable aid in healing the body and in continuing this exciting journey that is life.
- Title: “Heal Your Body through Metaphysics”
- Autor: James Bourque Starr
- Publisher: Ediciones Encuentro
- Pages: 142
- ISBN: 9786077723639
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