‘The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush’
This work uses simple language and illustrations to inform the reader of general liver…

The initial warning given at the beginning of this book is enough to cause interest in the rest of its contents. The compelling claim “to think that gallstones are only found in the gallbladder is a common misconception”, for most gallstones are formed in the liver.
A liver cleanse is a meaningful decision that is proven after the first session. The most important thing about this experience is the fact that one takes an active role in the responsibility for their health, and most likely for the first time in their life.
It is considered that an average of 20% of the global population may develop gallstones in their gallbladder at some point in their lives. Those who are aware of the advantagesof a liver cleanse can escape that statistic. Blood tests performed in conventional medicinefor diagnostic purposes cannot reveal the exact conditionof liver health. The non-regeneration of liver cells can lead to illnesses such as liver cirrhosis or even a heart attack.
This work uses simple language and illustrations to inform the reader of general liver illness and also teaches how to detect the possible presence of gallstones, including a kind of “test” for organic manifestations that are indicators of poor liver function.
- Title: “The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush”
- Author: Andreas Moritz
- Publisher: Ener-Chi Wellness Center
- Pages: 186
- Link:
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