‘Star gates: The Great Medicine Wheel of American Indians’
This book regards the ancestral memory of the aborigines of North America. It isa story told…

This book regards the ancestral memory of the aborigines of North America. It isa story told by a shaman named Standing Eagle, who discloses the knowledge he inherited from his elders. Through his story he describes the different states of consciousness that can be achieved.
The state of consciousness that contains total harmony and communion with Mother Earth and the Cosmos is achieved by understanding the concept of Medicine; which is linked to higher values and a lifestyle that seeks inner happiness.
Like all ancient peoples, they also had a circular conception of history. Therefore,the circle is the most appropriate symbol to represent the cycles of the rising consciousness.
The word medicine is not only the concept of healing as we know it, but coexistswith the harmonious whole of creation.
- Title: “Star gates: The Great Medicine Wheel of American Indians”
- Author: “Eagle Standing”
- Pages: 192
- Publisher: MTM – (Metaphysics of the Third Millennium)
- ISBN: 9788493016753
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