‘Illness as a Path’ by T. Dethlefsen y R. Dahlke
The body manifests the contradiction between the thoughts and the emotions-feelings..

“The body manifests the contradiction between the thoughts and the emotions-feelings” The authors develop scientifically a conception that is part of the Ancestral Wisdoms. The brain, an organ of the physical body, is frequently in contradiction with emotions and feelings. The body as a whole reacts through illnesses, revealing to the CONSCIENCE the existence of this imbalance. The book offers valid scientific support for this conception, but it also introduces a system of relations that link systematically the illness with its probable emotional cause. In its final chapter, it presents a summary that interrelates each organ or part of the body with the probable conflict of origin.
- Title: “Illness as a Path”
- Authors: Thorwald Dethlefsen and Rudwig Dahlke
- ISBN: 10 987-1138-70-9
- Format: 12 x 18 rustic
- Length: 315 pages
- N° edition: (In German) 1ª 1983
- Date of first publication: 1987
- Date of first publication in Spanish: 1ª mayo de 2004
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