‘The Astral Body and Other Astral Phenomena’
The physical body is an instrument and a vehicle of emotions, feelings, and thoughts

The physical body is an instrument and a vehicle of emotions, feelings, and thoughts. The astral body is not unlike the physical plane, only that it is composed of a much finer and subtle matter and is surrounded by colors. It is also the means by which feelings are expressed through the mental body.
The text gives a description of the astral body, its forms, its functions and how it is possible to perceive it. It also shows how to change the mindset in order to overcome the physical barriers so that you can begin to ‘live’ in this other body.
A reading about the structure and composition of the astral body, its colors and the chakras (or energy centers) while submerging in the details of the functions of the self. This is a true summary of one of the structures of the individual that is becoming increasingly perceptible, especially among children.
- Title: “The Astral Body and Other Astral Phenomena”
- Author: Arthur Powell
- Publisher: Upasika
- Pages: 146
- Link:*hksX7AmOiXdz/PowellArthurElCuerpoAstral.PD
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