‘The Ancient Wisdom’ by Annie Besant
Let’s say that the concept of “Wisdom” has a double meaning: correct thought and ethics

Let’s say that the concept of “Wisdom” has a double meaning: correct thought and ethics. Subsequently, the study of the art of thoughtcan be seen as the forms of Brahma Vidya or Theosophy. So as the saying goes, “there are shallows in which a child could wade and depths in which a giant must swim.”
Theosophy, in particular,separates these two meaningsbut also provides a warning; since among its teachings “there are some that are so simple and practicaltounderstand and apply using averageintelligence, while others are so profound that the most ableintelligence failsto understand its full meaning.”
This volume is intended to provide in a simple way the fundamentals of theosophical doctrine, which is the basis and origin of all religions;fordeep downin the most basic beliefs there is always the fear of nature and its manifestations. It is from there that theosophy aids in the understanding of the universe and also exposesthe hidden wisdom.
- Title: “The Ancient Wisdom”
- Author: Annie Besant
- Pages: 146
- Publisher: Upasika- Theosophy Collection
- ISBN: 9788486709396
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