‘The Body and Corporal Consciousness’ Essay
Only 13 pages explainthe fundamental principles of aesthetics and corporal health and…

Only 13 pages explainthe fundamental principles of aesthetics and corporal health and the importance of the body as an element of expression ofour feelings and the need to understand itbetter.
Everything that we decide within manifests itself through the body. From the simple decision of taking a certain path, to the passions and above all, the great sense of freedom, all find a way through physical manifestations.
The mechanics of the body is extremely important; from the breath and its multiple effects on gravity and trust, to the relaxation that frees consciousness in order to create and manifest.
This book includes very brief concepts that are supplemented with illustrative photographs that support the elementary but basic concept of this extraordinary machine that is the human body.
- Title: “The Body and Corporal Consciousness”
- Pages: 13
- Link:
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