‘The Divine Matrix’ a book by Gregg Braden
All human beings are connected by a single energy field: the Divine Matrix

This subject discovers the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind; therefore, it is now assumed that “the mind is the matrix of all matter”. This is said by physicist Max Planck, who is considered one of the fathers of quantum theory.
All human beings are connected by a single energy field: the Divine Matrix, which is all that exists. Within that universal concept, man and his feelings are present.
That complacency with the Divine and the use of its capabilities allow us to become a type of artist that permits our mind to express our passions, fears, dreams and desires through the essence of a mysterious quantum canvas.
Now that science has begun to support this theory it changes everything; including everything we have culturally understood regarding our role in Creation. Man is not an experiment of nature, he is nature itself and is provided with the ability to transform it through the participation of the Divine essence.
- Title: “The Divine Matrix: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief”
- Author: Gregg Braden
- ISBN: 9789509183322
- Pages: 240
- Publisher: Sirio
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