‘The Science of Hermes – The Revelation of the Supreme Secrets’
A short essay, yet very profound, so much so that every paragraph requires several…

A short essay, yet very profound, so much so that every paragraph requires several readings in order to grasp its concept. Hermetic science, as its name suggests, is not an easy, rational activity, but rather requires the reader to assume the effort needed to understand the deeper meaning of its grammar. Achieving this is to arrive at the knowledge that Levi outlines in these pages, and with great satisfaction in the outcome.
Why is God invisible to the human eye? It is a truth that is not so, for the magnificence of the “Magnum Opus” is revealed in the grandeur and harmony of nature, which is always a request to examine it in order to improve gradually; expanding the idea of the Creator.
The way towards that idea, God, however He is conceived, is the path of perfection for “achieving our own Creation, making ourselves independent, insurmountable and immortal,” says Levi, in a synthesis of extraordinary esoteric content (in a hidden meaning of pure reason) that is nothing more than expanding one’s consciousness.
All that man does that is good or evil in nature (including to himself) has consequences for all eternity. The “Paradise” that is promised after death is just “a righteous mind and an invariable fair will”, since it should be understood that nothing survives injustice and error.
This is ultimately about us becoming the “cornerstone”, just as Christ taught of himself. Levi quotes from the Gospel “Tu es PETRUS et super hanc PETRAM aedificabo ecclesiam meam” (Matthew 18-20), and reminiscent of Gurdjieff, points out that “the work is easy, simple and cheap; otherwise the fortune and the life of the applicants is misused and without any benefit.”
Small in its format, yet so deep, it surpasses whoever can grasp that it is endless.
- Title: “The Science of Hermes – The Revelation of the Supreme Secrets”
- Author: Eliphas Levi
- Pages: 22
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