‘Quantum Physics and the power of the mind’
During the initial conflict between dogma and science, the Catholic Church persecuted all..

During the initial conflict between dogma and science, the Catholic Church persecuted all the ideas that went beyond the ones established by the Pope. This struggle represented a high death toll and was settled only when Descartes invented dualism and the Church preserved all the invisible matter, while Science dealt with the visible ones. This did not imply the mutation of things into different ones, but rather that evolution produces changes in the perception of things, how they are felt and how they are calculated. The brain perceives that there are more things than the ones we see in reality. Why can´t life be happy and fulfilling? Because our approach to life is neither happy nor fulfilling. When we dream, a type of electric storm occurs inside our brain. This creates a chemical charge in the body that prepares it for achievements and success. But for this to happen, a hologram must be formed previously, a dream that transforms us into intrepid entities.
- Title: “Quantum Physics and the power of the mind”
- Director:
- Length: 2:26:00
- Category: Science and Technology
- Link:
- Standard Youtube license
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