‘The dusk of life’ a movie by de Wayne Dyer
We enter the dusk of life completely unprepared…

We enter the dusk of life completely unprepared…But worse yet, we enter this period in life falsely assuming that our truths and ideals will be helpful in the future. But we cannot live the evening of our lives with the same program we used in the morning, because what in the morning was abundant, in the evening… will be scarce and what was true in the morning will be false in the afternoon.
More than a movie, it is a concentrated speech dealing with spiritual experiences.
The spirit is the origin of life. Beginning in conception and during the nine months of pregnancy, the being finds everything without major worries. It has everything, because everything has already been worked out for him. Then: why not believe that the rest of the journey will be the same? Everything is there, and we only need to open up and let it flow.
Since birth, man expels God in order to “take charge”, and thus the journey to ambition begins. And if life is founded on “having”, once everything a man “has” disappears, man himself will follow the same road.
The challenge in life is simply to learn to listen and then “The music will appear on its own”. Everything that we search for in life is there, and it will make itself present when we need it. We must have confidence that everything will turn out perfect.
- Title: “The dusk of life”
- Director: Wayne Dyer
- Length: 1:19:05
- Original Title: (The Shift)
- Link:
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