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We refuse a future with thirst and hunger

In the meeting where I met Saif for the first time, by the end of our time together, we made a commitment. Work together to avoid for youth and their lives what we each as older people have experienced, that is …living with hate. We say hate no more. We need to cultivate food, yes, but mainly love.

The worst enemy of love is fear. Fear feeds hate, rancor, and finally results in complete negativity. All of these negative feelings can be made much worse by hunger.

The main tool to solve this is to expand consciousness. This is needed in all levels of society, but especially in our leaders across the globe. To solve our present and future troubles means we need to expand our consciousness. Power without consciousness becomes war, hate, and suffering, and without conscious, give-and take feedback, this only increases.

The combination of the trend of global warming of our natural earth and the human unfairness and inequity towards each other provide the perfect frame for the drama.

Our social drama is this: we are losing control of our possibility to feed ourselves
and our families. For leaders worse, also not being able to feed communities and countries.

We have become, slowly but steadily, like lions without teethe. We as society have worked day by day to improve profits, corporate or personal, and with certain laziness on our parts, others have taken away our own control of our reproductive power. Until now and about basic needs, it is not only about food and medicines, but could be worse.

Global warming is a big problem, but not the only one. Twenty-five years from now we will live in a different balance of land, sea and potable water. What problem could be similar or even worse?

The loss of quantity, quality and decision-making about food caused by the use of GMO hybrid seeds comes to mind. Also one thinks of the use of harvested food for animal alimentation.

In a dramatic picture, we the people are accepting that all of the male children born alive will be subjected to forced vasectomy and the Mother Earth will be left waiting while artificial insemination is managed by international companies over the will of the human beings.

The low level of consciousness of many of our economic, political and business leaders is at the core of the trouble, not only selfishness and ambition, but hubris and willful innovation. We must stop the decrease of local natural seeds and genetic material in farming. We must seek governmental subsidy if it is required to sustain our natural seed diversity.

And will we resist human reproduction falling into the hands of international companies outside the control of the public, to control population growth and genetic variability/homogeneity?

If we, as a human community, including our leaders, cannot increase our level of consciousness, conditions will remain the same or worsen. Nothing will change if we all don ‘t change ourselves, We must increase corporate social responsibility with conscious leadership that holds businesses and governments accountable for both short and long term impacts.

We need to create a genetic vegetal and animal reserve, like a Noah’s ark, with “survival biology material” in society’s hands, not just corporate domain.

Dear colleagues, humbly, I propose not only as our half day task but as a homework title what could be our smart and spiritual answer, ideas and action about all this issue.

At this moment I can imagine two scenarios:

First a global solution, with a large scale agreement, nice but difficult.

Second, closer to our hands work, regional or binational agreements between countries, with complementary patterns, of dimension, vegetal and animal fertility, working as seeds bank, but not only cryogenics, passive reserve, no, as active reserves providing real food one or two times a year for our people. And hungry people. I know it’s a not easy work to do; regulations created by the some who handle the global food will provide barriers to our project.

We need to open minds and eyes and watch beyond our consumer culture and feel ethics, integrity and God in our project for human beings at Universe.

Remember dear friends:

What we consider possible is what defines what we can do.

3rd International Conference on Food Security and Global Warming.

Made in Ras Al Khaimah – United Arab Emirates. Government of Sheik H.H. Saud Bin Saqr Al Qasimi.

Organized by the EPDA, Director of the CIentific Committee: Prof Saif Al Ghais.

Sponsored by Al Ghurair Resources Mr Essa Al Ghurair.


